
Table of Contents

UML Tool List

How to choose one UML Software1


  • Are you modeling or drawing? (Drawing - ArgoUML, free implementations, and Visio
  • Do you want to formalize your modeling through profiles or meta-models? OCL? (Sparx EA, RSM, Visual Paradigm)
  • Are you concerned about model portability, XMI support? (GenMyModel, Sparx EA, Visual Paradigm, Altova)
  • Do you have an existing set of documents that you need to work with? (Depends on the documents)
  • Would you want to generate code stubs or full functioning code? (GenMyModel, Sparx EA, Visual Paradigm, Altova)
  • Do you need more mature processes such as use case management, pattern creation, asset creation, RUP integration, etc? (RSA/RSM/IBM Rational Products)
  • Online (GenMyModel, yUML)


Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:19

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
